Eye Glass Dispensary/Optical Services
Eye Glass frames selection:
Our staff will provide expert advice on frame selection based on:
appropriate size and fit for optimal visual function/clarity and comfort.
appearance of eye glass frames based on size and colour.
Sunglass frames selection:
Our staff will provide expert advice on appropriate Sunglasses including importance of:
Polarized vS. non-polarized,
impact resistance vS. non-impact resistance
wrap angle design of sunglasses vS. less wrap
grade of singlass lens tint for optimal visual function.
Customized Eye Glass Lens Packages:
Our staff will use the optometrist’s recommendations and put together lens package that is suitable to your vision health needs. We will discuss:
design of lens
material of lens, specific to your eye glass prescription. Material of the lens dictates the weight, thickness and impact resistance of your lenses.
Grade of anti-reflective coating and scratching coating
blue light coating and other specialized coatings.
UV protection
Customized Prescription Lens Packages
Eye Glass Fitting And Measurements
Complimentary Frame Adjustments For Patients
Eye Glass Repairs - including nose pad replacement